Moraes, R.1; Fuck, R. A.2; Baldwin, J.A.3; Brown, M.3; Piccoli, P.M.3
1. Instituto de Geociências, USP, Departamento
de Mineralogia e Geotectônica. Rua do Lago, 562, Cidade Universitária,
05508-080, São Paulo– SP, Brasil. moraes@igc.usp.br
2. Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Geociências,
70910 – 900, Brasília-DF, Brasil. rfuck@unb.br
3. Laboratory for Crustal Petrology, Department of Geology, University
of Maryland. College Park, MD, 20742, USA. jbaldwin@geol.umd.edu,
mbrown@geol.umd.edu, piccoli@geol.umd.edu
Ultra-high temperature (UHT) refers to crustal metamorphism where
temperatures exceed 900 °C (Harley, 1998). Such extreme granulites
were previously described in Brazil from the Itabuna-Salvador-Curaça
Belt in Bahia (Barbosa et al., 2005, Leite, 2002), and from the Niquelândia
Complex (Ferreira Filho et al., 1998), Barro Alto Complex (Moraes
& Fuck, 2000) and Anápolis-Itauçu Complex (Moraes
et al., 2002, Baldwin et al., 2005) in Goiás. In Brazil, UHT
granulites occur as isolated outcrops within “common” granulites,
in similar fashion to those described from Antarctica (Harley &
Hensen, 1990) and India (Brown & Raith, 1996). Most commonly,
UHT granulites are recognized by the diagnostic mineral assemblages
that occur in pelites, which are sapphirine + quartz, aluminous orthopyroxene
+ sillimanite + quartz, hercynite-rich spinel + quartz, and osumilite
+ garnet (Harley, 1998). However, calc-silicate rocks also may contain
diagnostic UHT mineral assemblages, e.g. where wollastonite and scapolite
occur together as a stable mineral assemblage. Here we describe the
first occurrence of wollastonite + scapolite from the Anápolis-Itauçu
The Brasília Fold Belt borders the western margin of the São
Francisco Craton. The two tectonic divisions of the belt are as follows
(Fuck et al., 1994): the eastern, external zone comprises sedimentary
and metasedimentary cratonic cover sequences that are progressively
more deformed and metamorphosed to the west; the inner zone is constituted
of the Araxá Group, the Anápolis-Itauçu Complex,
and the Goiás Magmatic Arc. The Araxá Group is composed
of turbidite-type sediments, volcanic rocks, ophiolitic mélange
and granite intrusions, with metamorphism ranging from greenschist
to amphibolite facies conditions, whereas the Anápolis-Itauçu
Complex comprises granulites, volcano-sedimentary sequences and intrusive
granites. The Goiás Magmatic Arc consists of Neoproterozoic
juvenile arc rocks, comprising volcano-sedimentary rocks, and tonalite
and granodiorite gneisses; arc magmatism extended between 900 and
800 Ma, and pre-collisional calc-alkaline magmatism lasted until ca.
640 Ma (Pimentel et al., 2000).
The Anápolis-Itauçu Complex (AIC) occupies a NNW-oriented
area (260 km x 70 km) and is bounded on both sides by mylonite zones
separating the complex from the Araxá Group on the east, and
from the Goiás Magmatic Arc on the west. The AIC comprises
an orthogneiss unit derived from tonalite, granodiorite, and mafic-ultramafic
layered bodies; a paragneiss unit, including aluminous granulite,
garnet-sillimanite gneiss, calc-silicate rocks, marble, and quartzite;
other rocks include volcano-sedimentary sequences and a large number
of elongate, NW-SE-oriented granite intrusions (Lacerda Filho et al.,
1991). Recent geochronological data from the AIC indicate that magmatism
and metamorphism occurred ca. 650–620 Ma, related to final ocean closure
between the São Francisco and Amazon continents (Piuzana et
al., 2003; Pimentel et al., 2004; Laux et al., 2004).
UHT granulites in the AIC have been identified at three localities
(Moraes et al., 2002). North of Goiânia (ML-67), an impure quartzite
preserves sapphirine + quartz and aluminous orthopyroxene + sillimanite
+ quartz assemblages; reaction microstructures and high Al2O3 in orthopyroxene
(12.9 wt. %) allowed the inference of a composite P–T path, with decompression
followed by a near-isobaric cooling stage from T >1,000°C at
>9 kbar to <900°C (Moraes et al., 2002, Baldwin et al.,
2005). Near Damolândia (PT-62) and in the Monjolo stream (ANA-287),
sapphirine occurs in both quartz-rich and quartz-poor rocks. In both
rocks a succession of complex reaction microstructures of symplectites
and coronae allows inference of a composite P-T path involving a decompression
segment to <8 kbar at >1000°C, followed by a near-isobaric
cooling to <600°C at <6 kbar (Moraes et al., 2002).
The study outcrop is located at the neighborhood of Goianira, where
a single outcrop of calc-silicate rock occurs. The main rock is a
white medium grained, foliated calc-silicate rock, which includes
lenses of different bulk compositions, with sharp contacts. All rocks
have calcite, clinopyroxene, ternary feldspar (orthoclase with plagioclase
exsolution), titanite, quartz, and wollastonite or scapolite; wollastonite
+ scapolite is scarce and where they occur together grossular-rich
garnet is also present. Most rocks have a granoblastic fabric with
silicates surrounded by calcite. Wollastonite may have a thin corona
of calcite + quartz. Some scapolite grains are replaced by plagioclase
+ calcite. Where wollastonite and scapolite occur in the same sample,
the first is surrounded by a thin corona of calcite + quartz and scapolite
is separated from wollastonite by a complex granular intergrowth of
grossular-rich garnet + quartz + plagioclase ± calcite. These
microstructures indicate that the rocks may have crossed one or more
of the following reactions during cooling and/or decompression and
cooling, according to the different equilibration volumes:
1) Wo + CO2 = Cc + Qtz;
2) Wo + Scp + Cc= Grt + CO2;
3) Wo + Scp = Grt + Qtz + CO2;
4) Wo + Scp = Grt + An + CO2;
5) Scp + Qtz = Grt + An + CO2.
Mineral chemistry is simple: calcite is pure Ca end-member. Scapolite
has Eq An (equivalent An content) between 0.69 and 0.75, with most
grains >0.75, which is the value that limits mizzonite from meionite;
Cl and SO3 concentrations are very low, < 0.01 % and < 0.02%,
respectively, which is typical of high-Ca scapolite. Garnet is Ca
rich, with composition dominated by grossular (grs98adr2). Ternary
feldspar is present, with orthoclase (or95ab15) as host grain and
exsolved plagioclase (an37); the reintegrated composition is (or74ab19an7)
Clinopyroxene has XMg around 0.70 and is zoned, with decrease of Al
from core to rim and increase of Fe.
Clinopyroxene is the only Fe-Mg phase present in the rock, as garnet
is almost pure grossular and all other phases are Ca-rich phases.
Consequently, no conventional thermobarometers can be used to calculate
P-T conditions. Therefore, P-T conditions must be constrained from
phase equilibria in the CASCH model system. We used the T vs. XCO2
projection drawn for 10 kbar by Moecher & Essene (1990). The presence
of wollastonite with abundant calcite and wollastonite + scapolite
is sufficient to infer T >900-950°C. High XCO2 is also inferred
from the lack of epidote-group minerals or any other hydrous phase
in the rock. In domains where wollastonite occurs, it is surrounded
by a thin corona of quartz + calcite, indicating that reaction 1 was
crossed during cooling and/or decompression and cooling. In the domains
with wollastonite + scapolite a corona of grossular-rich garnet +
quartz + anorthite in the presence of calcite was most likely formed
by crossing reactions 2 and 3, and as quartz started to be available
after reaction was crossed; anorthite may have been formed by reactions
4 or 5. These reactions form two possible paths. Crossing reactions
2 and 4 implies decreasing XCO2 with almost no cooling, and crossing
reactions 2, 3, and 5 implies cooling with a small decrease in XCO2.
We prefer the second interpretation, because it implies a similar
P-T path to those inferred for other portions of the Anápolis-Itauçu
Complex (Moraes et al., 2002; Baldwin et al., 2005). The T >900-950°C
inferred from the mineral assemblages (mainly the coexistence of wollastonite
+ scapolite) might be overestimated, as the diagram was calculated
for the CASCH system, and the scapolite composition is at the lower
extreme of the meionite composition range, which will expand the scapolite
stability field to lower T. However, this shift is not large, and
the presence of ternary feldspar also suggests high T, around 1000°C.
The presence of wollastonite + calcite, wollastonite + scapolite and
ternary feldspar is sufficient to define one more occurrence of ultra-high
temperature mineral parageneses in the Anápolis-Itauçu
Complex, albeit in a different bulk composition than in Al-Mg rich
rocks. Recent U-Pb dating has shown that some mafic rocks have crystallization
ages similar to or a bit younger than the metamorphic peak in the
Anápolis-Itauçu Complex (Laux et al., 2004). In some
locations where UHT mineral assemblages have been described, as in
Damolândia, mafic rocks are recognized and they could be an
indicator of the additional heat necessary for UHT conditions to be
attained. The calc-silicate rocks described here are close to another
mafic intrusion, the Goianira intrusion, but up to now, it has not
been possible to determine the structural relationship between them.
Independent of the heat source, it is clear that UHT conditions were
attained in several locations within the Anápolis-Itauçu
This work is supported by FAPESP grant 04/09682-8 to R. M., CNPq grant
690078/02-1 to R.A.J. Trouw, FAPDF/CNPq grant 193.000.106/ 2004 ro
R.A.F. and NSF grant EAR-0227553 to M.B.
Baldwin, J.A.; Powell, R.; Brown, M.; Moraes, R.; Fuck, R.A. 2005.
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